Are we gonna have a PERFECT BONUS ROUND WEEK (a 5 wins-0 losses week)? We're gonna find out tonight.
Potential perfectos, please (that would go under the SAME LETTER category)...
Mark Daniels: CEO/Founder of a social media site from Lindenburg, CA (in Orange County, originally from northern Canada)
Stephanie Marone: Local actress from Colorado Springs, CO
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR
Toss-Up 1: Food & drink
_ _ S _
We're NOT starting with the man in the red, but Stephanie eats up some SMOKED FISH worth a thousand bucks.
Toss-Up 2: Thing
W _ O _
S W E _ _ _ R
Mark wears a WOOL SWEATER to spin first.
Trip on the Wheel: Cancun, Mexico, $7,500
Jackpot Round: Things
Mark starts out with a pair of S's for $1,800 and an E. (NOTE: Two null cycles were edited out. Mark called a wrong letter of R while on $300, Stephanie Lost Her Turn, Jennifer couldn't find a T on $300, Mark Lost HIS Turn, Stephanie Lost HER Turn AGAIN, and Jennifer Bankrupted on the MDW's right side. Horrible segment that we couldn't keep.) Mark then picks up the Gift Tag with an N, then buys an I, but can't overcome a dud O. Stephanie Bankrupts near $2,500, and Jennifer finds a $550 C. After buying the A's to clear out the vowels...
A C _ E S / &
_ A I N S
...she gets past these ACHES & PAINS to earn another $700, earning her a grand.
Jackpot Left Behind: $6,450 (could've been $7,050 had it not been for the editing)
Mark: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Stephanie and Jennifer: $1,000 each (Stephanie's $1K is in T.U. money)
Mystery Round: Before & after
Stephanie wants the Wild Card, and she'll get it with three S's. She also takes $600 from a pair of T's. After buying a whopping FIVE E's, she Bankrupts near $3,500 to lose $350 and the WC. Jennifer nearly hits a Mystery Wedge, but it's the wrong one - she Bankrupts on the MDW's left side. Mark finds $600 worth of two H's (NOTE: Another null cycle. Mark couldn't pick up the Cancun trip with a negative of N, and Stephanie and Jennifer hit Lose a Turn back-to-back.) and finds a $3,500 D. He then picks up the MDW with an L! After buying a few O's...
O _ T / O _
T H E / _ L _ E
S _ E D E
...OUT OF THE BLUE SUEDE SHOES comes $3,850 and the Million Dollar Wedge for Mark!
Mark: $5,850 + MDW
Stephanie and Jennifer: $1,000 each
This next round's really gonna get you.
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing? (this puzzle is big)
Jennifer lands on $350, but there's no R. Mark then finds SIX N's...for a WHOPPING $21,000! WHOA! (You should've seen his face when he learned that, he gasped in shock.) After buying a trio of E's, a set of five I's, and a pair of A's, he goes for a quick solve...
_ _ E N _ I N _ / _ _ E
_ A _ / _ I _ I N _
I N / _ _ E
_ _ _ N _ A I N _
...he nails this puzzle for the big $20,250 remainder and will go SPENDING THE DAY HIKING IN THE MOUNTAINS of South America on his $7,000 trip to BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA! He's earned a whopping $27,250 that round!
Mark: $33,100 cash and Buenos Aires + MDW
Stephanie and Jennifer: $1,000 each
Toss-Up 3: Living thing
_ O W L I N _
W O L _
Stephanie spots a HOWLING WOLF to quadruple up.
Round 4: Classic movies
Nice category. Anyway, Stephanie finds a $300 R and an $800 S. But after she Loses a Turn, we go into Final Spin mode...
...with consonants worth $1,600. (Pat's Bankrupt near $5K was edited out.)
Jennifer - 2 T's!
Mark - 2 H's!
Stephanie - 6 E's! WOW!
Jennifer - No L.
Mark - 1 V.
Stephanie - 1 A.
T H E / T H R E E
_ A _ E S / _ _ / E V E
For $1,100 more, Stephanie IDs THE THREE FACES OF EVE. But someone else might win big...
Mark: $33,100 + MDW!
Stephanie: $5,100
Jennifer: $1,000
Million Dollar Bonus Round: Phrase
Mark could win the really big one of a million bucks thanks to him landing on the E in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE give a decent setup:
_ _ _ T _ R E
T _ _ S
He may be going with that first word, picking CPDO...
P _ C T _ R E
T _ _ S
...and PICTURE THIS - Mark Daniels has helped us get a PERFECT BONUS ROUND WEEK!!! But what does he win for that accomplishment? Let's see...
...well, it's not the million, but rather the $60,000 Pickup Truck! He leaves us with $93,100, cash, Buenos Aires, and truck! You did great tonight, Mark! And he says, "I still feel like a million bucks!" I do, too.
And anybody notice we have a RED PODIUM SWEEP consisted of all guys? That's kinda interesting.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Season 1, Episode 1.4: Start It Right! (The Premiere Week)
Start It Right! (Episode 4)
We're doing so well this week...let's keep it up!
Tonight's contestants:
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Stephanie Marone: Local actress from Colorado Springs, CO
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR
Toss-Up 1: Food & drink
S M _ K _ D
S A _ M _ _
Tony eats up some SMOKED SALMON for his first bit of money.
Toss-Up 2: Event
_ I _ _ O / D E
_ _ _ O
Tony celebrates CINCO DE MAYO to triple up.
Trip on the Wheel: Maine, $5,000
Jackpot Round: Phrase
Tony picks up the blue 1/2-Car with a trio of N's. After purchasing two I's, he picks up the Wild Card with an H. Vanna explains that you can use you can use your Wild Card to call a consonant to earn what you just landed on. You can also use your Wild Card to call a fourth consonant in the Bonus Round. Anyway, Tony also picks up the MDW with three T's! Vanna explains that to win a million dollars, you have to solve the puzzle, pick up the MDW, not hit Bankrupt, land on the right Bonus Round card, solve that puzzle, and win the big bucks! But then the man calls an A for awful to leave $1,250 and his cardboard sitting there...and worse, he meant to call an E. Darn. Stephanie finds a $300 L and a pair of E's (a total slap on Tony's wrist)...
_ L _ / I N / T H E
_ I N T _ E N T
...before catching a FLY IN THE OINTMENT for the $950 remainder. Bad playing by this lady. She should've gone on for those other consonants. At least Tony still has his Wild Card.
Jackpot Left Behind: Just $5,800. That's surprising.
Tony: $3,000 Toss-Up money + Wild Card
Stephanie: $1,000
Jennifer: $0
Mystery Round: On the map (one-liner)
Stephanie starts out with a quartet of S's worth two grand. After buying the same number of I's (that's the only vowel)...
_ I S S I S S I _ _ I
...she IDs the state of MISSISSIPPI for the $1,750 leftover. More bad playing; she should've at least gone on for those P's.
Tony: $3,000 + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: $0
Prize Puzzle: Living things
Jennifer, who hasn't even spun yet, can't pick up the pink 1/2-Car thanks to a wrong letter in L. Tony lights up $1,200 worth of two N's and picks up the Gift Tag with a trio of R's. But then Lose a Turn bites him, so off to barely-even-spinnin' Stephanie we go. But her turn ends quickly as she makes a bad call in C while on $900. Jennifer then finds $1,800 worth a pair of S's, then picks up the 1/2-Car Stephanie just landed on with a T. She purchases A's and I's - two of each - but then buys an E for trouble. Tony lights up a grand thanks to a couple of D's, then finds $1,200 worth two M's, then tries to solve...but spins instead, and lights up an $800 D (it could've been Lose a Turn coming his way AGAIN). Now for the solve...
P A R R _ T S / A N D
_ _ M M I N _ _ I R D S
...and with $4,200 and the gift tag, Tony can catch some PARROTS AND HUMMINGBIRDS on his $8,000 trip to COSTA RICA! He's earned $13,200 that round! That's how you make up for a bad Jackpot Round blunder!
Tony: $16,200 cash, gift tag, and Costa Rica + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: STILL $0
Toss-Up 3: Phrase
T H A T ' S / T _ E
S P I _ _ _
THAT'S THE SPIRIT, Jennifer - you've earned your first three grand with that solve! And the other players tell her, "Good job!" Stephanie gives her a high five, too! The audience is REALLY excited for her, and so are Pat, Vanna, and Jim.
Round 4: Person
Jennifer starts out with a $400 R, then hits the same wedge and gets a T. After buying an E, we go into Final Spin mode...
...with consonants worth $1,550 each.
Jennifer - 2 A's!
Tony - The hot letter of 3 L's!
_ _ _ T _ A L L
_ L A _ E R
Tony knows a FOOTBALL PLAYER or two, so he's sealed the deal with another $4,650 in his pockets!
Tony: $20,850 + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: $3,000 T.U. bucks
Bonus Round: Occupation
Our big leader lands on the first A in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE fill in 1/4 of the puzzle...
_ _ T _
_ E _ _ _ N _ _
Tony's going with CGMA and his Wild Card choice of Y (probably thinking the first word is CITY)...
A _ T _
M E C _ A N _ C
Well, what a fitting puzzle for Tony! He's an AUTO MECHANIC, as Pat points out, but he doesn't have to fix up the brand-new $70,000 Hybrid Sedan he just won! He leaves us with $90,850, cash, gift tag, Costa Rica, and car! Very well-played by this man!
Tony's Gift Tag is a Fountain from Washington, DC! We have all the gift tags from that area! There are three per city.
We're doing so well this week...let's keep it up!
Tonight's contestants:
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Stephanie Marone: Local actress from Colorado Springs, CO
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR
Toss-Up 1: Food & drink
S M _ K _ D
S A _ M _ _
Tony eats up some SMOKED SALMON for his first bit of money.
Toss-Up 2: Event
_ I _ _ O / D E
_ _ _ O
Tony celebrates CINCO DE MAYO to triple up.
Trip on the Wheel: Maine, $5,000
Jackpot Round: Phrase
Tony picks up the blue 1/2-Car with a trio of N's. After purchasing two I's, he picks up the Wild Card with an H. Vanna explains that you can use you can use your Wild Card to call a consonant to earn what you just landed on. You can also use your Wild Card to call a fourth consonant in the Bonus Round. Anyway, Tony also picks up the MDW with three T's! Vanna explains that to win a million dollars, you have to solve the puzzle, pick up the MDW, not hit Bankrupt, land on the right Bonus Round card, solve that puzzle, and win the big bucks! But then the man calls an A for awful to leave $1,250 and his cardboard sitting there...and worse, he meant to call an E. Darn. Stephanie finds a $300 L and a pair of E's (a total slap on Tony's wrist)...
_ L _ / I N / T H E
_ I N T _ E N T
...before catching a FLY IN THE OINTMENT for the $950 remainder. Bad playing by this lady. She should've gone on for those other consonants. At least Tony still has his Wild Card.
Jackpot Left Behind: Just $5,800. That's surprising.
Tony: $3,000 Toss-Up money + Wild Card
Stephanie: $1,000
Jennifer: $0
Mystery Round: On the map (one-liner)
Stephanie starts out with a quartet of S's worth two grand. After buying the same number of I's (that's the only vowel)...
_ I S S I S S I _ _ I
...she IDs the state of MISSISSIPPI for the $1,750 leftover. More bad playing; she should've at least gone on for those P's.
Tony: $3,000 + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: $0
Prize Puzzle: Living things
Jennifer, who hasn't even spun yet, can't pick up the pink 1/2-Car thanks to a wrong letter in L. Tony lights up $1,200 worth of two N's and picks up the Gift Tag with a trio of R's. But then Lose a Turn bites him, so off to barely-even-spinnin' Stephanie we go. But her turn ends quickly as she makes a bad call in C while on $900. Jennifer then finds $1,800 worth a pair of S's, then picks up the 1/2-Car Stephanie just landed on with a T. She purchases A's and I's - two of each - but then buys an E for trouble. Tony lights up a grand thanks to a couple of D's, then finds $1,200 worth two M's, then tries to solve...but spins instead, and lights up an $800 D (it could've been Lose a Turn coming his way AGAIN). Now for the solve...
P A R R _ T S / A N D
_ _ M M I N _ _ I R D S
...and with $4,200 and the gift tag, Tony can catch some PARROTS AND HUMMINGBIRDS on his $8,000 trip to COSTA RICA! He's earned $13,200 that round! That's how you make up for a bad Jackpot Round blunder!
Tony: $16,200 cash, gift tag, and Costa Rica + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: STILL $0
Toss-Up 3: Phrase
T H A T ' S / T _ E
S P I _ _ _
THAT'S THE SPIRIT, Jennifer - you've earned your first three grand with that solve! And the other players tell her, "Good job!" Stephanie gives her a high five, too! The audience is REALLY excited for her, and so are Pat, Vanna, and Jim.
Round 4: Person
Jennifer starts out with a $400 R, then hits the same wedge and gets a T. After buying an E, we go into Final Spin mode...
...with consonants worth $1,550 each.
Jennifer - 2 A's!
Tony - The hot letter of 3 L's!
_ _ _ T _ A L L
_ L A _ E R
Tony knows a FOOTBALL PLAYER or two, so he's sealed the deal with another $4,650 in his pockets!
Tony: $20,850 + Wild Card
Stephanie: $2,750
Jennifer: $3,000 T.U. bucks
Bonus Round: Occupation
Our big leader lands on the first A in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE fill in 1/4 of the puzzle...
_ _ T _
_ E _ _ _ N _ _
Tony's going with CGMA and his Wild Card choice of Y (probably thinking the first word is CITY)...
A _ T _
M E C _ A N _ C
Well, what a fitting puzzle for Tony! He's an AUTO MECHANIC, as Pat points out, but he doesn't have to fix up the brand-new $70,000 Hybrid Sedan he just won! He leaves us with $90,850, cash, gift tag, Costa Rica, and car! Very well-played by this man!
Tony's Gift Tag is a Fountain from Washington, DC! We have all the gift tags from that area! There are three per city.
Season 1, Episode 1.3: Start It Right! (The Premiere Week)
Start It Right! (Episode 3)
Let's meet tonight's contestants...well, J.P., Stephanie, and Greg are back! No need for intros, sorry.
Toss-Up 1: People (this is a long one)
_ _ G _ T T A R _ A _ _
He's not so sure, but J.P. knows some SAGITTARIANS.
Toss-Up 2: On the map
S A N T _ A G O
C _ _ L E
Stephanie may or may not have gone to SANTIAGO, CHILE, but she's earned two large for that solve.
Trip on the Wheel: Florence, Italy, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Proper name
(NOTE: There was a "null cycle", or a triple-fail, that was edited out. Stephanie Bankrupted between $900 and $600, Greg called an S for sorry while on $600, and J.P. Bankrupted on the MDW's left side. He wasn't too happy and wanted this edited out. Of course, we'd do that and we did.) Stephanie starts out by Bankrupting between $900 and $600, so we're coming to Greg. He starts his spinning by getting a trio of Jackpot R's, but there's NO WAY he's gonna solve for a $7,000 Jackpot (if the null cycle was included, it would've been $7,600). But then he buys an A for awful, so it's J.P.'s turn. He collects a $550 D, a $900 B, and an N for the Florence trip...
R _ B _ R _ / D _
N _ R _
...and IDs actor ROBERT DE NIRO for $1,450 and the trip, earning him $9,950 that round!
Jackpot Left Behind: $8,450 (would've been $9,050 if the null cycle wasn't edited out)
J.P.: $10,950 cash and Florence
Stephanie: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Greg: $0
Mystery Round: People
Greg starts off with a $1,200 pair of R's...and picks up the MDW with two S's! He then lands on the Mystery Wedge (I forgot which one it was) and collects 2 T's, but surprisingly, he's risking $3,200 and the MDW...bad move, so he can kiss any chance of an all-time win goodbye. Anyway, J.P. picks up the Gift Tag with a pair of N's...
_ _ R _ T _ N _ S
& / T _ N _ R S
...and is one of those BARITONES & TENORS having that prize.
J.P.: $11,950 cash, gift tag, and Florence
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing? (this is a long two-liner)
J.P. hopes to extend his lead by a bigger margin, but that Bankrupt between $900 and $600 isn't gonna help. Stephanie gets $900 worth of three R's and find $600 from a pair of S's. She then gets a pair of T's worth... $7,000! But after buying two E's, she barely makes it past Lose a Turn...and calls a critical dud of L on $300 to leave $8,250 standing there. Greg then collects $600 from two N's, buys four A's and a couple of I's...
T A _ I N _ / A / T R A I N
A _ R _ S S / E _ R _ _ E
...and it looks like J.P. won't be the only one TAKING A TRAIN ACROSS EUROPE - he's got a travel partner in Greg! Even though Greg has only $100, he might use some of it as train fare on his $8,000 trip to BERLIN, GERMANY, earning him $8,100 that round! Good way for him to make up for the Mystery Round blunder. Unfortunately for Stephanie, that L call just put $16,250 cash and trip in the trash. Ouch.
J.P.: $11,950
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $8,100 cash and Berlin
Toss-Up 3: Proper name
A _ _ _ _ _ _
C _ _ _ I _ _ _ _
J.P. quickly IDs the ARIZONA CARDINALS to come up $50 shy of $15K!
Round 4: Phrase
J.P. starts out with two $300 T's, but then Loses a Turn. Stephanie collects a grand from two S's, but it's Final Spin time...
...and consonants are worth $1,400 each. (A Bankrupt near $5K was edited out.)
Stephanie - 1 A.
Greg - 1 I.
J.P. - 2 M's!
S I _ _ / T _ / M _
S T _ M A _ _
This "SICK TO MY STOMACH" puzzle is kinda disrespectful. Anyway, J.P. earns another $3,400 for that solve and handily wins the game!
J.P.: $18,350
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $8,100
Total Maingame Winnings: $28,450
Bonus Round: On the map
Another uncommon BR category. Anyway, J.P. lands on the W in WIN.
RSTLNE fill in nearly half the puzzle:
_ E N _ _ R _
J.P. knows it like I do! He picks DMKA...
...and it fills the whole board! This guy easily IDs DENMARK for a well-deserved $50,000, giving him $68,350, cash, gift tag, and Florence! Another nice night!
J.P.'s Gift Tag is a Horse Statue from Washington, DC. I knew it would be something from Washington, DC.
Let's meet tonight's contestants...well, J.P., Stephanie, and Greg are back! No need for intros, sorry.
Toss-Up 1: People (this is a long one)
_ _ G _ T T A R _ A _ _
He's not so sure, but J.P. knows some SAGITTARIANS.
Toss-Up 2: On the map
S A N T _ A G O
C _ _ L E
Stephanie may or may not have gone to SANTIAGO, CHILE, but she's earned two large for that solve.
Trip on the Wheel: Florence, Italy, $8,500
Jackpot Round: Proper name
(NOTE: There was a "null cycle", or a triple-fail, that was edited out. Stephanie Bankrupted between $900 and $600, Greg called an S for sorry while on $600, and J.P. Bankrupted on the MDW's left side. He wasn't too happy and wanted this edited out. Of course, we'd do that and we did.) Stephanie starts out by Bankrupting between $900 and $600, so we're coming to Greg. He starts his spinning by getting a trio of Jackpot R's, but there's NO WAY he's gonna solve for a $7,000 Jackpot (if the null cycle was included, it would've been $7,600). But then he buys an A for awful, so it's J.P.'s turn. He collects a $550 D, a $900 B, and an N for the Florence trip...
R _ B _ R _ / D _
N _ R _
...and IDs actor ROBERT DE NIRO for $1,450 and the trip, earning him $9,950 that round!
Jackpot Left Behind: $8,450 (would've been $9,050 if the null cycle wasn't edited out)
J.P.: $10,950 cash and Florence
Stephanie: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Greg: $0
Mystery Round: People
Greg starts off with a $1,200 pair of R's...and picks up the MDW with two S's! He then lands on the Mystery Wedge (I forgot which one it was) and collects 2 T's, but surprisingly, he's risking $3,200 and the MDW...bad move, so he can kiss any chance of an all-time win goodbye. Anyway, J.P. picks up the Gift Tag with a pair of N's...
_ _ R _ T _ N _ S
& / T _ N _ R S
...and is one of those BARITONES & TENORS having that prize.
J.P.: $11,950 cash, gift tag, and Florence
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing? (this is a long two-liner)
J.P. hopes to extend his lead by a bigger margin, but that Bankrupt between $900 and $600 isn't gonna help. Stephanie gets $900 worth of three R's and find $600 from a pair of S's. She then gets a pair of T's worth... $7,000! But after buying two E's, she barely makes it past Lose a Turn...and calls a critical dud of L on $300 to leave $8,250 standing there. Greg then collects $600 from two N's, buys four A's and a couple of I's...
T A _ I N _ / A / T R A I N
A _ R _ S S / E _ R _ _ E
...and it looks like J.P. won't be the only one TAKING A TRAIN ACROSS EUROPE - he's got a travel partner in Greg! Even though Greg has only $100, he might use some of it as train fare on his $8,000 trip to BERLIN, GERMANY, earning him $8,100 that round! Good way for him to make up for the Mystery Round blunder. Unfortunately for Stephanie, that L call just put $16,250 cash and trip in the trash. Ouch.
J.P.: $11,950
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $8,100 cash and Berlin
Toss-Up 3: Proper name
A _ _ _ _ _ _
C _ _ _ I _ _ _ _
J.P. quickly IDs the ARIZONA CARDINALS to come up $50 shy of $15K!
Round 4: Phrase
J.P. starts out with two $300 T's, but then Loses a Turn. Stephanie collects a grand from two S's, but it's Final Spin time...
...and consonants are worth $1,400 each. (A Bankrupt near $5K was edited out.)
Stephanie - 1 A.
Greg - 1 I.
J.P. - 2 M's!
S I _ _ / T _ / M _
S T _ M A _ _
This "SICK TO MY STOMACH" puzzle is kinda disrespectful. Anyway, J.P. earns another $3,400 for that solve and handily wins the game!
J.P.: $18,350
Stephanie: $2,000
Greg: $8,100
Total Maingame Winnings: $28,450
Bonus Round: On the map
Another uncommon BR category. Anyway, J.P. lands on the W in WIN.
RSTLNE fill in nearly half the puzzle:
_ E N _ _ R _
J.P. knows it like I do! He picks DMKA...
...and it fills the whole board! This guy easily IDs DENMARK for a well-deserved $50,000, giving him $68,350, cash, gift tag, and Florence! Another nice night!
J.P.'s Gift Tag is a Horse Statue from Washington, DC. I knew it would be something from Washington, DC.
Season 1, Episode 1.2: Start It Right! (The Premiere Week)
Start It Right! (Episode 2)
Tonight's contestants are all involved in the arts...
J.P. Burns: Music producer for local hip-hop artists from Los Angeles, CA
Stephanie Marone: Local actress from Colorado Springs, CO
Greg Chan: Dance instructor from St. Paul, MN (originally from Hong Kong)
Toss-Up 1: Food & drink
_ _ _ E S E
C _ O _ T _ N S
J.P. eats up some CHEESE CROUTONS for his first grand.
Toss-Up 2: Phrase
_ I L K / R U _
Stephanie takes a MILK RUN to spin first.
Trip on the Wheel: Seattle, Washington, $5,500
Jackpot Round: On the map
Stephanie starts out with an R for wrong on $300. Greg then slips past that wedge to Free Play an S for sorry, but then picks a T for terrible while on $500. Not many common letters in there, huh? J.P. then lands misses $600, lands on the $2,500 wedge...and finds FOUR N's! WOW! After buying an E (He said, "E...I mean, I!", but the judges went with the first letter; the I would've been a dud.), he picks up the Gift Tag with a pair of D's and barely misses Bankrupt (No one reacted to that? Shame on you!) to find a pair of $1,800 L's...
L _ N D _ N
E N _ L _ N D
...and IDs LONDON, ENGLAND for $11,550 and the gift tag, totaling $12,550 that round!
Jackpot Left Behind: $9,700
J.P.: $13,550 cash and gift tag
Stephanie: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Greg: $0
Mystery Round: Things
Greg starts out with a $300 R and $800 worth of two S's. He lands on the Mystery Wedge near the MDW and finds a T, flips that wedge over...nothing but a Bankrupt there, sorry. J.P. Bankrupts on the left side of the MDW. Stephanie finds a $500 L, then buys an A and a trio of I's. And this is gonna be the kicker...she lands on $3,500...and gets THREE N's! After clearing out the vowels with a pair of O's...
_ L O _ I N _
R I _ _ O N S
...she catches some FLOWING SATIN RIBBONS for the $10,250 leftover and is now $1,300 off of J.P.'s lead! J.P. and Stephanie are having a blast tonight!
J.P.: $13,550
Stephanie: $12,250
Greg: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing?
That's the first time we ever asked that question on this video game. Anyway, J.P. finds a $300 N and three O's, but then calls U for uh-oh...but it's on Free Play, so lucky him. By the way, Vanna explains that you can guess a $500 consonant, buy a free vowel, or attempt to solve the puzzle on this wedge. If you get it wrong, you still have your turn. Still in control, J.P. collects a $1,200 pair of G's. After buying the rest of the vowels: an I, two E's, and an A...
G O I N G / T O
T _ E / O _ E _ A
...he has only $500, but he can use that money while GOING TO THE OPERA on his $8,500 trip to PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, totaling $9,000 that round!
DOMINATION! (My version of a "perfect round", when one person dominates the entire round. A Free Play dud does not affect it!)
J.P.: $22,550 cash, gift tag, and Prague
Stephanie: $12,250
Greg: STILL $0
Toss-Up 3: Food & drink
N _ C _ _ _
S U P _ E M E
J.P. eats up some NACHOS SUPREME for another three large, putting him at $25,550!
Round 4: On the map
J.P. gets $1,800 worth of two N's, but after buying quadruplet E's, he buys an A for awful. Anyway, it's Final Spin time (Pat always explains the Final Spin)...
...and consonants are worth $1,900 each. (That wheel slipped past the Bankrupt near $900.)
Stephanie - 2 R's!
Greg - 2 L's! Can he get it with this showing?
N E _ / R _ _ _ E L L E
N E _ / _ _ R _
Nope, his game is over.
J.P. - 2 critical W's...
N E W / R _ _ _ E L L E
N E W / _ _ R _
Thanks to those W's, or perhaps those L's, J.P. IDs NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK for $5,100 worth of icing on his cake!
J.P.: $30,650
Stephanie: $12,250 (not a bad second-place total)
Greg: $1,000 consolation prize
Total Maingame Winnings: $43,800
Bonus Round: Rhyme time (it's a one-liner)
That's an uncommon Bonus Round category. Anyway, the big winner lands on the I in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE give only an L...
_ _ _ _ / _ L _ _
J.P.'s First Four Letters strategy, that being BCDA, may help a bit...
C _ _ _ / C L _ _
He's not so sure if he's got a CHIP CLIP...but he's absolutely right! And he deserves a $65,000 Sports Car for that guess! He leaves us with $95,650, cash, gift tag, Prague, and car! Great night for this man!
By the way, J.P.'s Gift Tag is a Large Flagpole from Washington, DC. All gift tags are worth $1,000.
Tonight's contestants are all involved in the arts...
J.P. Burns: Music producer for local hip-hop artists from Los Angeles, CA
Stephanie Marone: Local actress from Colorado Springs, CO
Greg Chan: Dance instructor from St. Paul, MN (originally from Hong Kong)
Toss-Up 1: Food & drink
_ _ _ E S E
C _ O _ T _ N S
J.P. eats up some CHEESE CROUTONS for his first grand.
Toss-Up 2: Phrase
_ I L K / R U _
Stephanie takes a MILK RUN to spin first.
Trip on the Wheel: Seattle, Washington, $5,500
Jackpot Round: On the map
Stephanie starts out with an R for wrong on $300. Greg then slips past that wedge to Free Play an S for sorry, but then picks a T for terrible while on $500. Not many common letters in there, huh? J.P. then lands misses $600, lands on the $2,500 wedge...and finds FOUR N's! WOW! After buying an E (He said, "E...I mean, I!", but the judges went with the first letter; the I would've been a dud.), he picks up the Gift Tag with a pair of D's and barely misses Bankrupt (No one reacted to that? Shame on you!) to find a pair of $1,800 L's...
L _ N D _ N
E N _ L _ N D
...and IDs LONDON, ENGLAND for $11,550 and the gift tag, totaling $12,550 that round!
Jackpot Left Behind: $9,700
J.P.: $13,550 cash and gift tag
Stephanie: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Greg: $0
Mystery Round: Things
Greg starts out with a $300 R and $800 worth of two S's. He lands on the Mystery Wedge near the MDW and finds a T, flips that wedge over...nothing but a Bankrupt there, sorry. J.P. Bankrupts on the left side of the MDW. Stephanie finds a $500 L, then buys an A and a trio of I's. And this is gonna be the kicker...she lands on $3,500...and gets THREE N's! After clearing out the vowels with a pair of O's...
_ L O _ I N _
R I _ _ O N S
...she catches some FLOWING SATIN RIBBONS for the $10,250 leftover and is now $1,300 off of J.P.'s lead! J.P. and Stephanie are having a blast tonight!
J.P.: $13,550
Stephanie: $12,250
Greg: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing?
That's the first time we ever asked that question on this video game. Anyway, J.P. finds a $300 N and three O's, but then calls U for uh-oh...but it's on Free Play, so lucky him. By the way, Vanna explains that you can guess a $500 consonant, buy a free vowel, or attempt to solve the puzzle on this wedge. If you get it wrong, you still have your turn. Still in control, J.P. collects a $1,200 pair of G's. After buying the rest of the vowels: an I, two E's, and an A...
G O I N G / T O
T _ E / O _ E _ A
...he has only $500, but he can use that money while GOING TO THE OPERA on his $8,500 trip to PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, totaling $9,000 that round!
DOMINATION! (My version of a "perfect round", when one person dominates the entire round. A Free Play dud does not affect it!)
J.P.: $22,550 cash, gift tag, and Prague
Stephanie: $12,250
Greg: STILL $0
Toss-Up 3: Food & drink
N _ C _ _ _
S U P _ E M E
J.P. eats up some NACHOS SUPREME for another three large, putting him at $25,550!
Round 4: On the map
J.P. gets $1,800 worth of two N's, but after buying quadruplet E's, he buys an A for awful. Anyway, it's Final Spin time (Pat always explains the Final Spin)...
...and consonants are worth $1,900 each. (That wheel slipped past the Bankrupt near $900.)
Stephanie - 2 R's!
Greg - 2 L's! Can he get it with this showing?
N E _ / R _ _ _ E L L E
N E _ / _ _ R _
Nope, his game is over.
J.P. - 2 critical W's...
N E W / R _ _ _ E L L E
N E W / _ _ R _
Thanks to those W's, or perhaps those L's, J.P. IDs NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK for $5,100 worth of icing on his cake!
J.P.: $30,650
Stephanie: $12,250 (not a bad second-place total)
Greg: $1,000 consolation prize
Total Maingame Winnings: $43,800
Bonus Round: Rhyme time (it's a one-liner)
That's an uncommon Bonus Round category. Anyway, the big winner lands on the I in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE give only an L...
_ _ _ _ / _ L _ _
J.P.'s First Four Letters strategy, that being BCDA, may help a bit...
C _ _ _ / C L _ _
He's not so sure if he's got a CHIP CLIP...but he's absolutely right! And he deserves a $65,000 Sports Car for that guess! He leaves us with $95,650, cash, gift tag, Prague, and car! Great night for this man!
By the way, J.P.'s Gift Tag is a Large Flagpole from Washington, DC. All gift tags are worth $1,000.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Season 1, Episode 1.1: Start It Right! (The Premiere Week)
Hi, everyone! Welcome to Wheel of Fortune: The Video Game! Our contestants are ready to spin, buy, solve, and win big money!
We're on the America's Game (Classic Game) set for this week!
Start It Right! (Episode 1)
Pat tells Vanna, "Time for us to travel in different directions. See you soon!" And Vanna chuckles at that!
Our first-ever contestant panel has two guys...
Zach Brown: Professional surfer from Upper Shores, CA (near San Diego)
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR (near Portland)
Vanna explains the Toss-Ups (or T.U.'s for short). Letters randomly appear in the puzzle, and someone has to ring in with the right answer to get the amount the T.U. is worth. They get it wrong, they're disqualified. If nobody gets the puzzle, which I highly doubt would happen, then nobody gets the money.
Toss-Up 1: Thing
_ I _ _ T A L
B _ O K
Zach reads a DIGITAL BOOK for his first bit of money.
If nobody gets this puzzle, then the red player - in this case, Zach - will start the spinning.
Toss-Up 2: People
H _ _ P _
C _ M _ E _ S
Zach's one of the HAPPY CAMPERS, so he's two for two so far and will spin first after all!
Trip on the Wheel: Scotland, $9,500
Jackpot Round: Things
Jim, the announcer, explains this round. The Jackpot starts out at $5,000. Each dollar wedge landed on contributes to the Jackpot amount. If you land on the Jackpot wedge, call a correct letter, and solve the puzzle, you'll win the Jackpot plus whatever you have! Anyway, Zach starts out with an $1,100 pair of S's. But after he buys a trio of I's, he Bankrupts to lose $850. Tony collects $800 from two R's, but surprisingly, he can't find a T while on the Wild Card. The only lady of the panel, Jennifer, picks up that WC with three L's and the pink 1/2-Car with a pair of M's. After buying a quartet of E's and two A's...
E L _ I S
_ R E S L E _
M E M _ R A _ I L I A
...she buys some ELVIS PRESLEY MEMORABILIA with the $500 bonus, earning her a grand.
Jackpot Left Behind: $6,450
Zach: $3,000 Toss-Up money
Tony: $0
Jennifer: $1,000 + Wild Card
Mystery Round: Place
Jim also explains this round. There are two Mystery Wedges - one near the Million Dollar Wedge (or MDW for short) and the other near Lose a Turn. If you land on one, it could have either $10,000 or a Bankrupt. You can either flip it over and see what's back there or take $1,000 for each consonant. To start this round, the scoreless Tony finds a $900 R, a $600 S, and a T for the green 1/2-Car. But after he buys an E, he just misses the Scotland trip and duds out with L while on $800. Jennifer then gets a $300 N but then calls a dud of D on the Mystery Wedge in which she slipped past the Million Dollar Wedge. Zach slips past that MW and gets a pair of W's for $600. He lands on the other MW and asks for three Y's, takes a $3,600 gamble...uh-uh-uh, not gonna pay off. Tony retries with an A and and I...
N E W / Y _ R _
_ I T Y / S _ _ W A Y
...and takes the NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY with his first $1,250.
Zach: $3,000
Tony: $1,250 + 1/2-Car
Jennifer: $1,000 + Wild Card
Not-so-good scores, eh? Gonna have to change all that.
Prize Puzzle: Landmark
Very simple...whoever solves this puzzle wins a trip. And Jim explains the trip. Let's make these scores bigger, guys. Jennifer collects $1,800 worth of two R's, and decides to use her Wild Card to get more money...but there's no S up there. Dang it. Zach Loses a Turn, so we're coming to Tony, but he calls a negative of N on $900. Trying to rebound from that Wild Card waste, Jennifer gets the Gift Tag with two T's and buys a trio of E's. But after she calls a bad C while on $800...
T _ E / _ R E E _ _ _
T R _ _ _
...Zach quickly IDs THE FREEDOM TRAIL. And he knows that it's in BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS; this getaway is worth $5,500. Jennifer missed out on $8,050 cash and prizes due to her errors.
Zach: $8,500 cash and Boston
Tony: $1,250
Jennifer: $1,000
Toss-Up 3: Thing
H _ R B
_ A _ _ E N
Zach grows an HERB GARDEN to sweep the Toss-Ups and break five figures ($10K and up). This should've been a Place, by the way.
Round 4: Phrase
After three turns, the Final Spin comes up. Pat explains that he'll spin, land on a dollar value, add $1,000 to it, and make each consonant worth the total value. Vowels are helpful, but they're worth zero. And if he lands on any other wedge, he'll have to spin again. If that happens when I have video, I'll edit it out. By the way, this will be shown at the red podium. Anyway, Zach gets things going in a horrible way while saying T for terrible on $5,000. Tony Bankrupts near that wedge, and Jennifer gets $600 worth of two L's, but it's Final Spin time...
...and uh-oh - consonants are worth $6,000 apiece! AND on the series premiere! Very nice!
Jennifer - No R. Dang it.
Zach - Those 3 N's...
L _ N _ / _
_ _ L _ _ N _ / _ _ N _
I'll quickly LEND A HELPING HAND to Zach by awarding him another $18,000!
Zach: $29,500
Tony: $1,250
Jennifer: $1,000
Total Maingame Winnings: $31,750
Bonus Round: Place
No one explains the Bonus Round, but I will. You will get any indications of the letters R, S, T, L, N, and E. Then, you have to pick three consonants (or four if you have the Wild Card) and a vowel other than those six easy letters I just mentioned. You will then have 50 seconds (like any other round) to make as many guesses as you can before getting it right. If you solve the puzzle in time, you'll receive the Bonus Prize! If not, you'll see what you didn't win. Let's see what Zach can do. Our big leader lands on the second A in AMERICA'S on the Bonus Wheel.
RSTLNE make this puzzle easy to get:
_ _ _ T _ R E S _ _ E
T _ _ N
This guy knows it already, just like me! He's going with PQWU...
P _ _ T U R E S Q U E
T _ W N
...and he can travel to a PICTURESQUE TOWN with the $25,000 he just won! Zach leaves us with $54,500, cash and Boston! Very nicely done!
We're on the America's Game (Classic Game) set for this week!
Start It Right! (Episode 1)
Pat tells Vanna, "Time for us to travel in different directions. See you soon!" And Vanna chuckles at that!
Our first-ever contestant panel has two guys...
Zach Brown: Professional surfer from Upper Shores, CA (near San Diego)
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR (near Portland)
Vanna explains the Toss-Ups (or T.U.'s for short). Letters randomly appear in the puzzle, and someone has to ring in with the right answer to get the amount the T.U. is worth. They get it wrong, they're disqualified. If nobody gets the puzzle, which I highly doubt would happen, then nobody gets the money.
Toss-Up 1: Thing
_ I _ _ T A L
B _ O K
Zach reads a DIGITAL BOOK for his first bit of money.
If nobody gets this puzzle, then the red player - in this case, Zach - will start the spinning.
Toss-Up 2: People
H _ _ P _
C _ M _ E _ S
Zach's one of the HAPPY CAMPERS, so he's two for two so far and will spin first after all!
Trip on the Wheel: Scotland, $9,500
Jackpot Round: Things
Jim, the announcer, explains this round. The Jackpot starts out at $5,000. Each dollar wedge landed on contributes to the Jackpot amount. If you land on the Jackpot wedge, call a correct letter, and solve the puzzle, you'll win the Jackpot plus whatever you have! Anyway, Zach starts out with an $1,100 pair of S's. But after he buys a trio of I's, he Bankrupts to lose $850. Tony collects $800 from two R's, but surprisingly, he can't find a T while on the Wild Card. The only lady of the panel, Jennifer, picks up that WC with three L's and the pink 1/2-Car with a pair of M's. After buying a quartet of E's and two A's...
E L _ I S
_ R E S L E _
M E M _ R A _ I L I A
...she buys some ELVIS PRESLEY MEMORABILIA with the $500 bonus, earning her a grand.
Jackpot Left Behind: $6,450
Zach: $3,000 Toss-Up money
Tony: $0
Jennifer: $1,000 + Wild Card
Mystery Round: Place
Jim also explains this round. There are two Mystery Wedges - one near the Million Dollar Wedge (or MDW for short) and the other near Lose a Turn. If you land on one, it could have either $10,000 or a Bankrupt. You can either flip it over and see what's back there or take $1,000 for each consonant. To start this round, the scoreless Tony finds a $900 R, a $600 S, and a T for the green 1/2-Car. But after he buys an E, he just misses the Scotland trip and duds out with L while on $800. Jennifer then gets a $300 N but then calls a dud of D on the Mystery Wedge in which she slipped past the Million Dollar Wedge. Zach slips past that MW and gets a pair of W's for $600. He lands on the other MW and asks for three Y's, takes a $3,600 gamble...uh-uh-uh, not gonna pay off. Tony retries with an A and and I...
N E W / Y _ R _
_ I T Y / S _ _ W A Y
...and takes the NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY with his first $1,250.
Zach: $3,000
Tony: $1,250 + 1/2-Car
Jennifer: $1,000 + Wild Card
Not-so-good scores, eh? Gonna have to change all that.
Prize Puzzle: Landmark
Very simple...whoever solves this puzzle wins a trip. And Jim explains the trip. Let's make these scores bigger, guys. Jennifer collects $1,800 worth of two R's, and decides to use her Wild Card to get more money...but there's no S up there. Dang it. Zach Loses a Turn, so we're coming to Tony, but he calls a negative of N on $900. Trying to rebound from that Wild Card waste, Jennifer gets the Gift Tag with two T's and buys a trio of E's. But after she calls a bad C while on $800...
T _ E / _ R E E _ _ _
T R _ _ _
...Zach quickly IDs THE FREEDOM TRAIL. And he knows that it's in BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS; this getaway is worth $5,500. Jennifer missed out on $8,050 cash and prizes due to her errors.
Zach: $8,500 cash and Boston
Tony: $1,250
Jennifer: $1,000
Toss-Up 3: Thing
H _ R B
_ A _ _ E N
Zach grows an HERB GARDEN to sweep the Toss-Ups and break five figures ($10K and up). This should've been a Place, by the way.
Round 4: Phrase
After three turns, the Final Spin comes up. Pat explains that he'll spin, land on a dollar value, add $1,000 to it, and make each consonant worth the total value. Vowels are helpful, but they're worth zero. And if he lands on any other wedge, he'll have to spin again. If that happens when I have video, I'll edit it out. By the way, this will be shown at the red podium. Anyway, Zach gets things going in a horrible way while saying T for terrible on $5,000. Tony Bankrupts near that wedge, and Jennifer gets $600 worth of two L's, but it's Final Spin time...
...and uh-oh - consonants are worth $6,000 apiece! AND on the series premiere! Very nice!
Jennifer - No R. Dang it.
Zach - Those 3 N's...
L _ N _ / _
_ _ L _ _ N _ / _ _ N _
I'll quickly LEND A HELPING HAND to Zach by awarding him another $18,000!
Zach: $29,500
Tony: $1,250
Jennifer: $1,000
Total Maingame Winnings: $31,750
Bonus Round: Place
No one explains the Bonus Round, but I will. You will get any indications of the letters R, S, T, L, N, and E. Then, you have to pick three consonants (or four if you have the Wild Card) and a vowel other than those six easy letters I just mentioned. You will then have 50 seconds (like any other round) to make as many guesses as you can before getting it right. If you solve the puzzle in time, you'll receive the Bonus Prize! If not, you'll see what you didn't win. Let's see what Zach can do. Our big leader lands on the second A in AMERICA'S on the Bonus Wheel.
RSTLNE make this puzzle easy to get:
_ _ _ T _ R E S _ _ E
T _ _ N
This guy knows it already, just like me! He's going with PQWU...
P _ _ T U R E S Q U E
T _ W N
...and he can travel to a PICTURESQUE TOWN with the $25,000 he just won! Zach leaves us with $54,500, cash and Boston! Very nicely done!
Recap Example
My recaps will look like this for now. I'll have the videos uploaded in my next blog. Anyway, my highlights and italic typeface indicate notes I took. I will write my recaps in the style of Buy a Vowel Boards, Game Show Kingdom, and Wheel of Fortune Recaps.
Tonight, we're continuing our "California Road Trip" on Day 4 of this week.
Season 3 - California Road Trip (Day 4)
Zach Brown: Professional surfer from Upper Shores, CA (near San Diego)
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR (near Portland)
Toss-Up 1: Show biz
The puzzle type and category are indicated in bold typeface.
R _ _ _
C O _ _ E R T
Zach can travel to a ROCK CONCERT with his first bit of money.
A contestant is always mentioned in their podium color, and a solution is indicated in BOLD TYPEFACE.
Toss-Up 2: Proper name
B _ _ T N E _
Tony IDs the famous pop star BRITNEY SPEARS to spin first.
Trip on the Wheel: Vancouver Island, Canada, $5,500
The prize on the wheel is always a trip, so it's called the "Trip on the Wheel" instead of the "Featured Prize".
Jackpot Round: Food & drink
The amounts the player lands on will be indicated in their colors! Also, I add ad-libs to indicate some detail in the play, and some nearly-hit and slip-past indications to show close calls.
Tony starts this round off with an $1,800 trio of R's and gets a $1,200 pair of S's. He Free Plays a T for terrible (kinda strange, huh?), but then permanently loses his turn with the I. Jennifer can't capitalize on $900 with the C. Coming to Zach, who lands on that same wedge (but nearly hits the Gift Tag) and collects an N. He buys three A's and FPs a pair of B's, then purchases a trio of E's before landing on the Jackpot and calling three D's...
_ R E S _
B A _ E D
B R E A D / A N D
R _ _ _ S
...and set off those fireworks - Zach's not sure about the last word, but he does eat up some big FRESH BAKED BREAD AND ROLLS for $2,900 and a $10,700 Jackpot, totaling $13,600 in that round alone!
Anything really good is indicated in light green.
Zach: $14,600
Tony: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Jennifer: 0
Mystery Round: Things
The term "K" or "grand" next to a small dollar amount means "a thousand".
Hoping to catch up to Zach's big lead, Jennifer begins her turn with $1,600 worth of two R's, followed by three S's for the pink 1/2-Car. She later gets a trio of T's worth $900, but calls A for awful. Our big leader lands on the Mystery Wedge next to the Million Dollar Wedge and asks for a trio of N's. He takes a $3K gamble to extend his lead...finds the money...
S T R _ N _ E _
_ N S T R _ _ E N T S
...and plays some STRINGED INSTRUMENTS to keep the 10 grand!
Zach: $24,600
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing?
The term "top dollar" or "big money" refers to the $2,500, $3,500, and $5,000 wedges.
Zach starts this round off in a bad way by hitting Lose a Turn. Tony barely picks up the MDW with an R, but then says S for sorry while on $900. Jennifer then finds a $400 T, a pair of E's, but then Bankrupts near top dollar to lose the $150 remainder. Zach then collects $2,400 worth of three N's, then buys a trio of I's and a pair of A's to clear out the vowels before going for a quick solve...
_ A N _ I N _ / _ I T _
_ I N _ E R E _ _ A
...and with the $1,900 remainder, he'll go DANCING WITH CINDERELLA on his $6,000 trip to ORLANDO, FLORIDA! That's where Walt Disney World is, right? Anyway, he's earned $7,900 that round, putting him over the $30K mark! He wasn't even sure about his guess, but it doesn't matter now.
A Prize Puzzle trip is indicated in bold-italic typeface.
Zach: $32,500 cash and Orlando
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: STILL $0
Anything really bad is indicated in dark red. And no offense about that "STILL $0" thing, just letting you know they have nothing...
Toss-Up 3: Thing
H _ L T E R
T O _
Whatever the heck this means, Tony has a HALTER TOP for a new total of five grand.
Round 4: Before & after
"Before & after"? In the Final Spin round? Really? Oh, well...
Tony starts off with a $5,000 R, but then buys an A for awful. The scoreless Jennifer gets three $700 S's before we go into Final Spin mode...
...and consonants are worth $1,400 each.
Jennifer - 1 T.
Zach - 1 H.
Tony - 1 E. Wow, the letters spelling THE! But THE isn't in the puzzle.
Jennifer - 1 I. 1 of everything.
Zach - No N.
Tony - 2 O's! The last of the vowels.
Jennifer - 2 C's!
_ I S C / _ O C _ E _
Yay! Jennifer's finally got something! She can use her only $6,300 to buy some DISC JOCKEY SHORTS. But we all know who the big winner is...
Zach: $32,500
Tony: $5,000 Toss-Up money
Jennifer: $6,300
A bright green score indicates a winner.
Total Maingame Winnings: $43,800
Bonus Round: Food & drink
Zach lands on the R in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE fill in about half the puzzle:
L E _ _ N / _ E _ _ E R
S _ R _ _ _
Trying to focus on that last word, Zach goes with CPMA...
L E M _ N / P E P P E R
S _ R _ M P
...and he eats up some LEMON PEPPER SHRIMP, so his good focus has earned him another $45K, giving him $77,500 cash and Orlando on the night! You played this very well, Zach!
If you see a comment on the post, that's my little summary of what happened. I also have a rating out of 10 for the episode, the reason for the rating, the prize I picked after the Bonus Round, and the number order the episode was played (1st-6th) in the comment. Highly recommend you read the comments!
Tonight, we're continuing our "California Road Trip" on Day 4 of this week.
Season 3 - California Road Trip (Day 4)
Zach Brown: Professional surfer from Upper Shores, CA (near San Diego)
Tony Garcia: Mechanic going back to school from Houston, TX
Jennifer Terry: Garden store owner from Durham, OR (near Portland)
Toss-Up 1: Show biz
The puzzle type and category are indicated in bold typeface.
R _ _ _
C O _ _ E R T
Zach can travel to a ROCK CONCERT with his first bit of money.
A contestant is always mentioned in their podium color, and a solution is indicated in BOLD TYPEFACE.
Toss-Up 2: Proper name
B _ _ T N E _
Tony IDs the famous pop star BRITNEY SPEARS to spin first.
Trip on the Wheel: Vancouver Island, Canada, $5,500
The prize on the wheel is always a trip, so it's called the "Trip on the Wheel" instead of the "Featured Prize".
Jackpot Round: Food & drink
The amounts the player lands on will be indicated in their colors! Also, I add ad-libs to indicate some detail in the play, and some nearly-hit and slip-past indications to show close calls.
Tony starts this round off with an $1,800 trio of R's and gets a $1,200 pair of S's. He Free Plays a T for terrible (kinda strange, huh?), but then permanently loses his turn with the I. Jennifer can't capitalize on $900 with the C. Coming to Zach, who lands on that same wedge (but nearly hits the Gift Tag) and collects an N. He buys three A's and FPs a pair of B's, then purchases a trio of E's before landing on the Jackpot and calling three D's...
_ R E S _
B A _ E D
B R E A D / A N D
R _ _ _ S
...and set off those fireworks - Zach's not sure about the last word, but he does eat up some big FRESH BAKED BREAD AND ROLLS for $2,900 and a $10,700 Jackpot, totaling $13,600 in that round alone!
Anything really good is indicated in light green.
Zach: $14,600
Tony: $2,000 Toss-Up money
Jennifer: 0
Mystery Round: Things
The term "K" or "grand" next to a small dollar amount means "a thousand".
Hoping to catch up to Zach's big lead, Jennifer begins her turn with $1,600 worth of two R's, followed by three S's for the pink 1/2-Car. She later gets a trio of T's worth $900, but calls A for awful. Our big leader lands on the Mystery Wedge next to the Million Dollar Wedge and asks for a trio of N's. He takes a $3K gamble to extend his lead...finds the money...
S T R _ N _ E _
_ N S T R _ _ E N T S
...and plays some STRINGED INSTRUMENTS to keep the 10 grand!
Zach: $24,600
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: $0
Prize Puzzle: What are you doing?
The term "top dollar" or "big money" refers to the $2,500, $3,500, and $5,000 wedges.
Zach starts this round off in a bad way by hitting Lose a Turn. Tony barely picks up the MDW with an R, but then says S for sorry while on $900. Jennifer then finds a $400 T, a pair of E's, but then Bankrupts near top dollar to lose the $150 remainder. Zach then collects $2,400 worth of three N's, then buys a trio of I's and a pair of A's to clear out the vowels before going for a quick solve...
_ A N _ I N _ / _ I T _
_ I N _ E R E _ _ A
...and with the $1,900 remainder, he'll go DANCING WITH CINDERELLA on his $6,000 trip to ORLANDO, FLORIDA! That's where Walt Disney World is, right? Anyway, he's earned $7,900 that round, putting him over the $30K mark! He wasn't even sure about his guess, but it doesn't matter now.
A Prize Puzzle trip is indicated in bold-italic typeface.
Zach: $32,500 cash and Orlando
Tony: $2,000
Jennifer: STILL $0
Anything really bad is indicated in dark red. And no offense about that "STILL $0" thing, just letting you know they have nothing...
Toss-Up 3: Thing
H _ L T E R
T O _
Whatever the heck this means, Tony has a HALTER TOP for a new total of five grand.
Round 4: Before & after
"Before & after"? In the Final Spin round? Really? Oh, well...
Tony starts off with a $5,000 R, but then buys an A for awful. The scoreless Jennifer gets three $700 S's before we go into Final Spin mode...
...and consonants are worth $1,400 each.
Jennifer - 1 T.
Zach - 1 H.
Tony - 1 E. Wow, the letters spelling THE! But THE isn't in the puzzle.
Jennifer - 1 I. 1 of everything.
Zach - No N.
Tony - 2 O's! The last of the vowels.
Jennifer - 2 C's!
_ I S C / _ O C _ E _
Yay! Jennifer's finally got something! She can use her only $6,300 to buy some DISC JOCKEY SHORTS. But we all know who the big winner is...
Zach: $32,500
Tony: $5,000 Toss-Up money
Jennifer: $6,300
A bright green score indicates a winner.
Total Maingame Winnings: $43,800
Bonus Round: Food & drink
Zach lands on the R in AMERICA'S.
RSTLNE fill in about half the puzzle:
L E _ _ N / _ E _ _ E R
S _ R _ _ _
Trying to focus on that last word, Zach goes with CPMA...
L E M _ N / P E P P E R
S _ R _ M P
...and he eats up some LEMON PEPPER SHRIMP, so his good focus has earned him another $45K, giving him $77,500 cash and Orlando on the night! You played this very well, Zach!
If you see a comment on the post, that's my little summary of what happened. I also have a rating out of 10 for the episode, the reason for the rating, the prize I picked after the Bonus Round, and the number order the episode was played (1st-6th) in the comment. Highly recommend you read the comments!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Video Info
Like my last blog, I won't have any video for my episodes until I have a Capture Card, something that can perfectly record video games.
My next blog will have video, trust me. When it does, you should watch the video first and THEN read the recap. The video will be the first thing you see on each recap post.
My next blog will have video, trust me. When it does, you should watch the video first and THEN read the recap. The video will be the first thing you see on each recap post.
Consonant Value
Since it's currently season 30 on the real show, we're having a $500 consonant value for the Wild Card, Gift Tag, and Featured Prize. [1] But since this game may have been produced in 2011 and 2012, the consonant value does not exist in these prizes...
A few recaps coming up soon!
Contestant Info
You may be wondering, "Who's Stephanie? What does Greg look like?" Well, here's the info...
J.P. Burns
J.P. (short for Justin Patrick) is bald and has a brown mustache. He's a music producer for many hip-hop artists from Los Angeles.
Jennifer Terry (formerly Kristin Withers)
Jennifer has long brown hair and wears a red shirt. She's a garden-store owner from Durham, Oregon (that's near Portland).
Greg Chan
Greg, a black-haired man, is originally from Hong Kong, but moved to to the U.S. after graduating from high school. He's a dance instructor from St. Paul, Minnesota.
Jo Lynn Livorno
Jo Lynn has blond hair and wears a pink dress. She's a retired healthcare executive from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Mark Daniels
Mark, a redhead, lives in Lindenburg, California (near Huntington Beach, in Orange County), but he's originally from northern Canada. He's a college student studying technology; in the meantime, he's the owner of a social-media website called WeKnowYou.
Melissa White
Melissa, a black lady, lives in Murdock, Alabama. She's a teacher who's working to get black history into her classroom.
Tony Garcia
Tony, who has a black mustache and black hair, is from Houston, Texas. He's a mechanic who's going back to school to earn a Master's degree (he already has a mechanics degree).
Stephanie Marone (formerly Tiffany Moore)
Stephanie is mixed-race; her mom is Filipino-American and her dad is white. She's a local actress from Colorado Springs.
Zach Brown
Zach is a professional blond-haired surfer from Upper Shores, California (near San Diego).
Janelle Horrigan
Janelle is a blond-haired lady wearing a red shirt from Braxton, Ohio (near Columbus). She's a stay-at-home mom with a baby boy.
Thanks for reading! And there will be more contestants!
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Wheel Design
Here are the designs of the wheels.
The big wheel looks like this (I'm also pointing out some tips and mistakes):
And here's the Bonus Round wheel:
Photo credits to: Google Images, Wikipedia, BigJon's PCGames (they're for the big wheel) and deviantART (both wheels).
An example of a recap will be posted soon!
The big wheel looks like this (I'm also pointing out some tips and mistakes):
And here's the Bonus Round wheel:
Photo credits to: Google Images, Wikipedia, BigJon's PCGames (they're for the big wheel) and deviantART (both wheels).
An example of a recap will be posted soon!
New WoF Blog! And a New Format!
Hey, it's JP Genius! Decided to make a new WoF blog.
Why the new blog? Because I made a new format.
This format will be just like the real show. There will be five episodes on the same set for each day I play, with different players! Kinda crazy, huh?
It will be kinda like the old one: all the red contestants are guys.
Well, I'll post another cool feature! See ya!
Why the new blog? Because I made a new format.
This format will be just like the real show. There will be five episodes on the same set for each day I play, with different players! Kinda crazy, huh?
It will be kinda like the old one: all the red contestants are guys.
Well, I'll post another cool feature! See ya!
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