Saturday, June 22, 2013

Contestant Info

You may be wondering, "Who's Stephanie? What does Greg look like?" Well, here's the info...

J.P. Burns
J.P. (short for Justin Patrick) is bald and has a brown mustache. He's a music producer for many hip-hop artists from Los Angeles.

Jennifer Terry (formerly Kristin Withers)
Jennifer has long brown hair and wears a red shirt. She's a garden-store owner from Durham, Oregon (that's near Portland).

Greg Chan
Greg, a black-haired man, is originally from Hong Kong, but moved to to the U.S. after graduating from high school. He's a dance instructor from St. Paul, Minnesota.

Jo Lynn Livorno
Jo Lynn has blond hair and wears a pink dress. She's a retired healthcare executive from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Mark Daniels
Mark, a redhead, lives in Lindenburg, California (near Huntington Beach, in Orange County), but he's originally from northern Canada. He's a college student studying technology; in the meantime, he's the owner of a social-media website called WeKnowYou.

Melissa White
Melissa, a black lady, lives in Murdock, Alabama. She's a teacher who's working to get black history into her classroom.

Tony Garcia
Tony, who has a black mustache and black hair, is from Houston, Texas. He's a mechanic who's going back to school to earn a Master's degree (he already has a mechanics degree).

Stephanie Marone (formerly Tiffany Moore)
Stephanie is mixed-race; her mom is Filipino-American and her dad is white. She's a local actress from Colorado Springs.

Zach Brown
Zach is a professional blond-haired surfer from Upper Shores, California (near San Diego).

Janelle Horrigan
Janelle is a blond-haired lady wearing a red shirt from Braxton, Ohio (near Columbus). She's a stay-at-home mom with a baby boy.

Thanks for reading! And there will be more contestants!

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